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Customer Story

ODW Logistics Grows with 3Gtms Optimization, Strong Integrations

Bill Grannis has been in transportation for 35 years and has seen his fair share of TMS implementations, so he knew he’d found something different with 3Gtms. Hear how tight integrations, increased automation and a unique optimization engine has enabled ODW to differentiate itself among its competitors and gain new business relationships that wouldn’t have been possible without 3Gtms.

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My name is Bill Grannis. I am the vice president of Information Technology transportation for ODW Logistics. Our company is a third-party logistics company with the goal to provide services for North American companies to get their product to market faster and with better quality using our warehouse and transportation services.

I have been evaluating and implementing transportation systems for about 35 years. We wanted an ability to have a strong rating system. We wanted an optimization engine that will allow us to move rapidly into the future. And, we wanted the strong API. This allows us to do strong Integrations within our own company and also to all our vendors and to our customers. That was extremely important to us.

It allows me, as an organization, to take it even further. I can differentiate myself as an organization and be able to satisfy my customers and take things to a new level. 3G really fit the need and allowed us to take a lot of mundane jobs and automate those using the software right out of the box. It’s been incredible what we’ve been able to do as far as moving into new markets.

The optimization Engine with its complexity allowed us to get into some business relationships doing multi-client optimization that there was no way we could have done prior. 3G is a fantastic partner.

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