
Shipping Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods with Pacejet and UPS WorldShip


Shipping hazardous materials and dangerous goods with standard parcel carriers can quickly become a new requirement, as your shippable products start to include batteries, power packs, solvents, or even hand sanitizer.

Compliance mistakes can harm people, the environment, and have serious financial implications such as fines of $80,000 per day and up. At the same time, managing the procedures, material designations, packaging, and operating requirements of hazardous materials and dangerous goods shipping can be complicated, manual, and error-prone. But that all changes when you use Pacejet’s direct integration to UPS WorldShip software.

Pacejet’s direct integration with UPS WorldShip software combines the ERP integration and streamlined pack-and-ship automation of Pacejet software with compliant software, training, and support services backed by UPS.

Watch our video demo and continue reading to learn how Pacejet’s integration with UPS WorldShip helps streamline staff training, deliver 4x faster processing speeds, reduce errors by 99%, and helps your team manage hazardous materials and dangerous goods shipments with the confidence that you are in full compliance with appropriate government regulations.

Ship Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods Easier and More Efficiently

Get process automation with a familiar user experience by using Pacejet’s integration with UPS WorldShip to complete traditionally difficult and complex shipments. Smart Pacejet rules detect specific shipping needs to trigger automatic data transmission to and from UPS WorldShip while managing the complete order shipping lifecycle within standard ERP, WMS, and other system integrations.

Demo Summary

As shown in the video, the full range of Pacejet tools for packing, including scan-pack, autopack, and drag and drop packing, are available with the UPS WorldShip integration. Your ERP integration and other Pacejet tools are also available, and users are just leveraging UPS WorldShip for UPS-specific functionality like hazardous goods and dangerous materials carrier assignment.

Pacejet detects whether items are classified as dangerous goods and hazardous materials and automatically transmits this order information into UPS WorldShip. The shipping information carries between both systems to reduce manual data entry and duplication. Once the button has been pressed in UPS WorldShip to process the shipment, all the documentation, like hazardous labels and shipping labels, will start printing automatically.

While some processes are executed in UPS WorldShip, Pacejet is still in control of the full automation. Pacejet connects your ERP to UPS WorldShip to automatically update each with all up-to-date shipping information and statuses.

Why Integrate with UPS WorldShip

Sometimes users prefer to process complex shipping services like hazardous goods and dangerous materials directly within the carrier’s TMS software. Additionally, carriers often release new functionality directly in their platform before it’s released via APIs. By integrating UPS WorldShip to Pacejet, users get the best of both worlds by leveraging Pacejet’s process automation in conjunction with the latest tools available within UPS WorldShip.

Business Benefits:

  • Reduce compliance risk with processing that’s closely aligned with UPS procedures
  • Reduce staff training by leveraging UPS tools, training, and support for complex hazardous materials and dangerous goods shipping
  • 4x faster processing speed with data integration for basic shipping details, including addresses and packages
  • 99% reduction in errors by avoiding duplicate data entry in shipments and capturing tracking numbers and cost
  • Early access to UPS services which often are released first in UPS WorldShip before APIs
  • Easier, one platform support with integration and features supported as part of your complete Pacejet platform



Publish date

August 9, 2021



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