
Revolutionizing Rate Shopping: The 3G Pacejet Shipping Contract Rates Module


In the labyrinth of the LTL freight market, where consolidation coexists with fragmentation, finding the best rates can be a challenge. The dominance of the top 25 carriers leaves a substantial portion of regional carriers untapped. Enter the connectivity game-changer: API. While national carriers leverage API connections for efficiency, smaller regional carriers often lack this convenience, leading to untapped cost-effective capacity. 

The Connectivity Conundrum 

API connectivity, once a boon, has inadvertently become a barrier for regional carriers without the resources to invest. This has allowed national carriers to accelerate rate increases, despite lower-cost alternatives available with local and regional carriers. With market dynamics shifting, how can shippers leverage the situation without sacrificing the efficiency of cross-carrier rate shopping? 

Introducing the 3G Pacejet Shipping Contract Rates Module 

3G takes the lead in addressing this challenge with the introduction of the Pacejet Shipping Contract Rates Module. This innovation makes our shipping software a single access point for all your contracted LTL rates, irrespective of the carrier or connectivity method. Now, cross-carrier shopping is convenient without compromising access to all available rates and services. 3G customers using the Pacejet Shipping platform can seamlessly integrate this module, enhancing their rate shopping capabilities. 

Curious about how this industry-leading feature can benefit your shipping operations? Reach out to our sales team and discover the future of rate shopping with 3G. 

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the intricacies of LTL logistics. We look forward to shaping the future of shipping together. 




Publish date

March 3, 2024



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